Linux: change temporary directory for Android Studio

Using Android Studio the directory used by the system to store temporary files (the default one is /tmp) could be filled by many (big) files, in order to limit this behaviour you can choose another directory to be used by the IDE. To do so you could launch the IDE every time with the following commands (in …

Nextcloud client for Slackware64

Using cloud storage is a popular choice and creating a personal cloud is now a possibility many of us have. If you want to create your own cloud storage you can install OwnCloud or NextCloud on a webserver and connect to them usng a web browser or a client application. I’ll show how to install NextCloud …

Skype4Slackware : a Skype packager for Slackware

Microsoft makes packages of “Skype For Linux” only in .deb and .rpm format. If you want to use them on Slackware you have, every time, to download the file,  convert it into a native package and install it. Can we execute this procedure using a tool that requires only to be launched ? The answer is simple : YES. See how to …

Install Mozilla Firefox portable on Linux

Installing an instance of Mozilla Firefox portable on Linux is pretty simple but this action could reserve you some trouble if you have to do it manually every time. Because of this i created a very simple script which does the dirty job and can create a portable installation of this the browser. Supported Firefox versions, …

MultiCopy: copy a file to multiple destinations

Often i have to copy manually a single file into many destination directories (or files), so i decided to create a command line tool to do help me in doing this task: Multicopy (mcp). The program can be used as show below: mcp <src_file> <directory_1> <directory_2> … <directory_n> copy file <src_file> into the given directories …

Manage D-Link DCS-960L motion detection using rfid tokens

After having presented RFIDer and after having show you a simple shell script to control motion detecion of a D-Link DCS-960L, i want to describe how to merge those two programs in order to enable/disable motion detection using rfid tokens and a rfid reader. As usually i’m using a RaspberryPI as a central unit.

WP-Disk-Free: WordPress free disk space checker

To monitor free disk space on a server hosting a WordPress website i created a new plugin, a sort of clone of the unix command df,  called WP-Disk-Free. This plugin allow you to: define in the Settings page minimum free disk space  (MB) to use as a warning quota receive an email, sent to a …